Find Hope

Mom was very angry, very malicious.


“You’re going to end up like your father, a bum on the street, a loser, an alcoholic.” As a kid, growing up hearing those things hurt me. I thought, “Man, after everything I do for you, this is how you love me.”

I tied fishing wire to the rifle trigger.


I had loaded the rifle and put it on the coffee table. I had a fishing line tied to it.

Drugged and gang raped, but found healing and hope.


Then they gang raped me. I came close to dying that night.

Decided to drive off a cliff.

David I.

I decided I was going to get up and I decided I was going to get in my car and drive up Glendora Mountain Road where teenagers would always drive drunk, and every few years someone would end up driving off a cliff.

Dreamed of suicide starting at 14.

Matt A.

And God clearly said; “You are going to die this year.” I remember it scared me.

Matt Damon played me as an FBI Informant.


As you can imagine, I got very depressed. I pulled my car in one of those garages and tried to kill myself.

Lost my house, job and BMW when I sampled a little something to ease the pain.


Within four weeks, I had lost my husband, my house, my job.

Marriage saved despite my affairs.


"So, here I am three affairs in three months and I was at the lowest place in my life that I had ever been, ever."

Discovered my wife, finally, in the midst of a high performance lifestyle.


People ask; “What’s your biggest success story?” I’ll say; “Staying married.”

Dad lost his life in depression, but I found the source of living.


"I feel like I have been plugged into this eternal power source"....