Find Hope

A lady helped me escape the man holding me captive in my car for six months.


That night I was gang raped by five men. I was so ashamed and so embarrassed. I felt like it was my fault. I blamed myself and I didn’t want to tell anyone.

Introduced to illegal drugs during rehab for pain meds.


I injected it intravenously. But by the time I was using meth amphetamine, I was willing to do whatever I had to do, um, for, for the dope

Filled my fatherless void with drugs.


Dad would be like; “Yeah I will be at your event. I will be at your wrestling match.” He wouldn’t show up.

Chattanooga's major cocaine dealer thanks police.


By the time I got to the jail I was already ready to hear the gospel. I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t know who. I didn’t know about this whole thing of being born again. I had heard about it, but I had never really inquir...

I’d do anything to feed my addiction.

Tom F

I’m the reason they put the cables through the leather coats at Sears. I’m the reason they lock the razors up at Walmart. I’m the reason new clothing has security ink tags. I had to have a way to feed my addiction.

Felt the bed shaking as I cried out to God.


I knocked on the door and Satan said; “You have to sell your soul to come in here.” The ledge started moving in. So, I sold my soul

Angels protected as the drug lord tried to kill me.


I would take guys into restaurants and everybody knew to take off their hats. One of the guys, who I still talk to, asked me, “Why do you pray? You know what we do here, right? We sell drugs. Why do you pray? Our business is ...

Stole from my grandmother’s checkbook.


Then it got to where I was breaking into her house. Then I started buying checks from people, and forging people’s names on everyone else’s checks. Then the burglaries began.

Even my fellow drug users said I was in trouble.

Tony T

The dealers turned to me and said, ‘Look man, you need to go get some help.” When you’re standing in a very small room using drugs with two other guys that are the same as you, and they look at you and say, “You need to get h...

Assaulted four with a knife, but a prison friend modeled a better way.

Matt H

Really, I wanted to die. I was doing all the things that were killing me anyway. I had so much pain, hurt, and hatred I didn’t know how to process any of it.