Find Hope

Lost my job and almost my wife before admitting the problem.


One of the women was a employee at work. The Board of Directors called me in. After questioning me about this they terminated my employment, effective immediately.

As wild as I could be.


"I was the girl on top of the bar with money being put on me, not remembering any of it the next morning."

Prostituted myself for drugs.


Carrie prostituted herself for drugs. As a registered nurse, educated and articulate, she never expected to go so low.

I embraced her after she killed my son.


"I started my speech to the parole board by stating; ‘I’m guilty of murder too, and the father of the person I killed forgave me and welcomed me into his family. So, who am I to not extend that same forgiveness to her?" 

A radical lesbian, consulting the dead—my new life moved beyond all that.

Amy M

"Suddenly I felt the real power and presence of God. It was like fire and electricity shooting through my body."

My estranged daughter called from the hospital. I arrived drunk.

Joe C

The next thing I remember was a knock on my windshield and blue lights when I woke up in my rear view mirror.

Mom was very angry, very malicious.


“You’re going to end up like your father, a bum on the street, a loser, an alcoholic.” As a kid, growing up hearing those things hurt me. I thought, “Man, after everything I do for you, this is how you love me.”

I tied fishing wire to the rifle trigger.


I had loaded the rifle and put it on the coffee table. I had a fishing line tied to it.

Organized a week long drunk with my friends.

Jeff A

We decide to go out with our friends that night, but end up at the same party. She’s talking with another guy that I couldn’t stand.

Binge drinking man's man.


The next morning I woke up my wife, and said, “We’re going to church.” She laughed and said, “Is there a wedding? Did somebody die?”, because we hadn’t been to church in years.